growing recipes. growing belly.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chili Relleno Casserole

11:05 PM Posted by patty , , No comments

One of The Husband's favorite things to order when we're eating at a Mexican Restaurant is chili relleno. The photo really doesn't do this dish any's much more delicious than it looks with just a hit of spice. This version is also much healthier than your usual chili relleno and since we're meat-lovers in this family, I packed on the ground meat.

Chili Relleno Casserole
(adapted from For the Love of Cooking)

  • 5-7 Anaheim chilies (depending on the size)
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 Tbs flour
  • 3 Tbs sour cream
  • 1 (3oz) can of sliced black olives
  • 2 cups Mexican blend cheese
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed & drained
  • 1 lb ground meat
  • 1 can green enchilada sauce
  1. Rinse chilies and place on a baking sheet covered in foil. Broil chilies for about 5 minutes on each side or until skin is blackened.
  2. Remove from oven and place in bowl with cover. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Remove chilies. Skin and remove veins and seeds. Cut into strips.
  3. Preheat oven to 350℉. Combine eggs, flour, sour cream, olives, salt and pepper to taste then mix thoroughly. Coat a baking dish with cooking spray.
  4. Add a layer of the chilies. Then egg mixture, then cheese, then black beans, then ground meat; repeat layers until gone. Top with enchilada sauce and a more cheese. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Serve with optional toppings like sour cream, avocado, salsa & more cheese! 


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